Epic Plugins

Category: Stories

  • Recap of attending my first WordCamp

    It’s been a while coming, but this weekend I managed to make an appearance at my first WordCamp. I attended WordCamp in Edinburgh (#wcedin).

    Now, I’m not from Edinburgh, I’m from Manchester, UK (the home of WordPress co-Founder Mike Little) and embarrassingly haven’t attended a local MWUG meet up or WordCamp yet. This boils down to three main reservations…


  • Running a WordPress Business in 2017

    I was recently interviewed by IndieHackers about how I grew my side business from $0 to $5k per month (on average) and on the back of that I got asked (by a wannabe entrepreneur) a great question.


  • Reviving a Dying WordPress Plugin

    In this blog post I wanted to write a bit about the current situation of one of my top performing WordPress plugins. Well, it used to be top performing but has fallen down from the peak of its monthly revenue and users. How do I revive this back to where it used to be?


  • Epic WordPress Backgrounds – Benjamin Gilstrap

    I wanted to start offering something different on the blog. Something which gets the community involved. So I’ve started a new initiative. I’ll be posting a series of background stories / interviews with people who want to share. The first up isĀ Benjamin Gilstrap from Techie Support.
