Epic Plugins

How to improve your WordPress skills

This blog article is focussed on sharing some useful resources for where you can learn a bit more about using WordPress. Each of these resources are premium resources and where possible.

I have shared my own personal view around each method of improvement with the Software (or the “operating system” of the internet).

WordPress Training Videos

Depending on how you are suited to learning. Training videos may be a useful tool for you. With this type of tool you can watch snippets of hints and tips (from plugin setups) to general guides. A good start point is the Video Guide Here which lets you walk through how a sample site has been created.

This WordPress Training has helped me SO much – from setting up properly to marketing and driving traffic and all the tips, tricks, and strategies in between! I now know and understand all the critical gaps that I had been missing

Handy Booklet

Another interesting training aid I have come across is the following WordPress Book which retails at around $27 in PDF or slightly more for a print version. I personally prefer books in print when it comes to WordPress guides as it allows me to reference things while I work with WordPress on my screen (rather than flipping back and forwards).

I prefer a combination of the two methods of learning and would encourage anyone to check out either of the above two resources.


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