Epic Plugins

Chats with our Lead Developer

Instructions to join the IRC live chat #epicplugins

One thing I thought would be useful for you would be access to “AMA” or “Ask Me Anything” chats, to aid in this I am starting a weekly IRC chat session where you can ask me anything you like…. 

These will cover:

  1. Feedback and Feature requests for plugins
  2. General hints and tips for WordPress
  3. Anything, anything at all*

Please do pop along, I’ll be running an hour long session at 9pm GMT time (find your local time) on Thursdays via the chat channel #epicplugins. I would love you to pop by and say hello 🙂 

Connecting to IRC is really easy using Google Chrome, instructions below:-

  1. Download Google Chrome (if you haven’t got it already)
  2. Add the Byrd IRC client app to your Google Chrome Browser
  3. Open the Byrd IRC client app
  4. Fill in the settings, the server to enter is irc.freenode.net
  5. Choose your username and nickname 
  6. Click connect
  7. Then enter the command /join epicplugins

It should then let you connect to the live IRC chat which is now running (I hope to see you soon).

*we do need a brief caveat in that the AMAs will be an open chat room via the popular IRC service, it doesn’t include modifying or otherwise of things that haven’t been created by Epic Plugins or abusing the time available.



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