Epic Plugins

Web App Challenge: What can we help with?

OK. It’s time for another short web app challenge update. If you’ve not been following along with the blog posts about the challenge you can check them out below

Since deciding on which stack to use I’ve been working through a really useful guide to get up and running with Meteor and also how to hook the app up to stripe for handling subscriptions. The tutorial has been amazing and it’s catapulted me to a position where I have the boilerplate for an App that can take subscriptions with stripe, handle upgrades and manage the login / registration flow

I’ve also put a working title to the app. I’m calling it Web Monkey. I don’t know much about Web Monkey yet but I do know that he:-

  • Lives on the web (no known location)
  • Exists to make your life easier
  • He’s young, he doesn’t know what to do yet

So, how can Web Monkey help you? What is something that you’d happily pay web monkey to solve for you? Something that gives you value in return and makes little Web Monkey’s existence worthwhile. A final condition though.

  • Web Monkey isn’t WordPress. This can be ANYTHING you need help with.

Answers in the comments please folks and I’ll discuss the options with Web Monkey and then start developing the functionality of the web application.

Oh, for those who have been following along. I said this web app challenge is a limited time project, so a brief update on the progress (and time spent) so far (time spent excludes writing these update posts)

  • Progress – fully functioning stripe application running on meteor
  • Time spent – around 10 hours – mostly self learning about the meteor platform and working through tutorials



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