Category: General

  • Social Gallery Video: Building the Shortcode

    A short post on how to build your own Social Video shortcode.

  • Social Gallery Video: Embedding YouTube

    This short video shows you how to embed any YouTube video onto your website and have the video open in a lovely Social Lightbox. The screen recorder software can slow down the speed of my macbook. True speeds of Social Gallery can be seen in the demo.

  • Social Gallery Video: Settings

    This is the first video in the Social Gallery Video User Guides. Have FUN!!

  • Post to WordPress: iOS app

    Following on from the Google Chrome extension we have developed a mobile iOS app to bring the same “Post to WordPress” power as the Chrome extensions. 

  • Why WordPress Plugins give you the advantage

    WordPress blogs and websites are extremely popular. But many businesses and bloggers fail to realise the potential they have at their fingertips. We have comprised a list of 5 distinct ways WordPress plugins are advantageous compared to other blogger sites that offer plugins (such as Drupal or Joomla).

  • Epic Plugins is popular in the puppet community

    In our first testimonial Mark W Gray tells us why he loves Epic Plugins and how they’ve helped to improve his website.

  • Epic Gallery and Social Gallery – which is the best WordPress Plugin 2013

    With the new features built into Epic Gallery to enable you to view your images in a Social Gallery, you may think… hang on.. why do I need the Social Gallery plugin anymore? Well there’s a TON of reasons and of course some reasons why you may only decide to go with Epic Gallery or…

  • Quick Tip: permalinks

    Sometimes when you install a new plugin that registers a custom post type (like Dilemma or Pics Mash), visiting the custom post on the “view post” on the admin menu will bring you to a 404 not found page

  • Post to WordPress: Chrome extension guide

    I thought it would be useful to post up a quick image post (from the Chrome extension) to hopefully help people who may be having issues with getting the extension to Post to WordPress from Chrome.

  • Google Chrome extension v1.2.2

    I’m proud to announce that the Google Chrome extension has been updated to v0.2 following intial feedback.