Epic Plugins

Full list of Epic Plugins and Themes 2015

This is a post chronicling all plugins and themes in the Epic Empire as at 31 Dec 2015.

EPIC PLUGINS (release date)

  1. Opinion8 WordPress Plugin (2015)
  2. Collections for WordPress (2015)
  3. Social Gallery Analytics (2015)
  4. Social Buzz WordPress Plugin – Social Share Graphs: (2014)
  5. Checklist WordPress Plugin – Checklist builder: (2014)
  6. Social Gallery WordPress Video Viewer (2013)
  7. Post to WordPress: Chrome extension  (2013)
  8. Social Image Tagger WordPress Plugin (2013)
  9. Social Gallery Shortcodes Plugin (2013)
  10. Epic Gallery WordPress Plugin (2013)
  11. WPeddit: Reddit for WordPress Plugin (2013)
  12. BuddyPress Social Polling Plugin (2013)
  13. WordPress Social Polling Plugin (Facebook linked) (2013)
  14. Easy Polling Plugin (2013)
  15. Link 2 Featured Image Plugin (2013)
  16. bbPress PayPal customer only plugin (2013)
  17. Pics Mash AJAX add on (2013)
  18. GeoPost for WordPress (2013)
  19. WPtouch featured image add on (2013)
  20. Old Affiliate Javascript  (2013)
  21. Pics Mash Image Rating Tool (2012)
  22. Social Gallery WordPress Photo Viewer (2012)
  23. Social Gallery: Mobile Add on (2012)
  24. Social Gallery: Stats Add on (2012)
  25. Video Mash Facemash for WordPress (2012)
  26. Sound Mash Facemash for WordPress (2012)
  27. Dilemma WordPress Plugin (2012)
  28. Easy Envato Sales Assistant  (2012)


  1. Issue Tracker WordPress Theme (2015)
  2. Plugin Hunt: Product Hunt Style Theme (2014)
  3. Epic Hackers: Growth Hackers Theme (2014)
  4. eStore Theme: Epic eCommerce Theme (2014)
  5. WPeddit: Reddit for WordPress Theme (2013)


One response to “Full list of Epic Plugins and Themes 2015”

  1. […] There’s been a bit of culling of plugins during 2015 to remove the plugins which were not selling well and difficult to maintain and or support. You can see the full list of plugins and themes at 31 December 2015 here. […]

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