Epic Plugins

Why I’m saying NO to Freelance

Happy November everyone. I can’t believe how quick this year has gone. I left my job at the end of July. So a full 3 months has passed with me doing my own thing. Quite a lot of my ‘own thing’ has been doing freelance for others.

I also didn’t do a great deal in October due to a long vacation. But when I did do. I did Freelance.

From today. I’m saying NO to Freelance. This post goes into why. If you’ve already got a project in the works with me, it’ll still get finished. But I’m saying no to anything new.

Freelance is great

It really is. Freelancing can give you the opportunity to be your own boss. To work from anywhere. You can pick and choose your projects and make a real difference. To someone else. The quote below is one I’ve shared a few times.

Build your dreams

It’s true. With Freelancing you’re building someone else’s dream. From 1st November 2016 I’m focussing on building my own dream. But what is that.

My new take on life

When you work for yourself a weird thing clicks in your head. For me it took about 3 months. When I first left my 9-5 I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to replicate the salary I had given up. So I did a shed load of freelance to try and bridge that gap. While I was away for most of October, my business carried on. People continued to purchase plugins and themes (thank you). I didn’t need to swap my time for money (like with Freelance).

So.. through this and then coming back and deciding on what I want to focus on I’ve come up with the following new take on life.

My new take on life is as long as I’m covering bills I just want to make cool stuff

This is why I am now saying NO to Freelance. I want to build cool stuff for me. For epic plugins. For epic themes. But what does this mean?

  • The main thing I’ve committed to is I’m developing 12 new WordPress Themes in 12 months
  • I’m also continuing to develop for Zero BS CRM – my joint coding venture
  • I still have the web app challenge‘ – this is something were I want to create an $x per month software as a service
  • I want to commit to blogging more frequently about this journey I’m on. Including my latest project (sign up below to follow along the way)

With those combined I won’t realistically have time to do any freelance work. So I’m saying no.

12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months

I’m tagging any of my progress post for this project with the ‘12 in 12‘ category. So you can read back on the progress as I go along. This is where the fun starts.




3 responses to “Why I’m saying NO to Freelance”

  1. […] the 1st November 2016 I wrote a post titled ‘Why I’m saying NO to Freelance‘ and the main reason is I want to focus on the 12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months challenge […]

  2. […] You may have read in the latest transparency report that I was on the look out for WordPress Developers to join my web agency. This was because I continue to get Freelance requests in and I’ve started to say NO to taking on more freelance. […]

  3. […] at the chart above is where future updates will focus because from now on I really am having to say no to freelance.  For completeness though here’s the above chart with the Freelance figures […]

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