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Category: 12 in 12
12 WordPress Themes – Theme 2 Debrief
Theme 2 was launched on the 1st January 2017. New Years Day. This is the de-brief post about that theme. If you’ve not seen the theme it’s the Epic Timelime Theme and it’s available here.
Epic Timeline Theme – Coming Soon
Well. It’s the end of the third week, second month. Time has been flying this month. It’s the run up to Christmas and nothing is better than building a theme specifically to act as a timeline.
So coming soon is the amazing Epic Timeline Theme. This theme is the second theme in the 12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months challenge.
(more…)12 WordPress Themes – Theme 1 Debrief
The first theme in the 12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months challenge was launched last week. This followed a 4 week process of coming up with the idea of what to create. Building up the websites which we reach out to about the themes . We also created Outreach List WP – a directory of places to promote your WordPress products.
12 WordPress Themes – Month 1. Week 4. Report
Week 4. Wow. Already. It’s time to get those skates on!
The Epic Blogger Theme is Launching on the 1st December 2016
The first four weeks have flown by. Week Four has been a bit of a mixture for me.
(more…)12 WordPress Themes – Month 1. Week 3. Report
Just three weeks ago I started a challenge. A challenge to develop, market and launch 12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months. That’s one a month for a full year. Each theme being different. Each theme building on the code from the earlier theme.
(more…)12 WordPress Themes – Month 1. Week 2. Report
It’s the end of week 2. It’s creeping up to the point where the first theme will be almost ready to be released. A lot of time this week has been spent setting the scene. Reaching out to Outreach partners and spending time being interviewed and getting content prepared for various sites.
Coming Soon: Theme #1 – Epic Blogger Theme
In my project to develop 12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months I’ve now settled on what the first theme is going to be. I’m developing an EPIC Blogger Theme. But what does this mean?
(more…)12 WordPress themes in 12 Months: The Project Homepage
Just 4 days ago I started on the challenge of creating, launching and marketing 12 WordPress Themes in 12 months. I’ve also committed to blogging every step of the way. At the end of each week I’ll send out a round-up of the weeks development to the mailing list. If you’ve not signed up yet you can sign up below.
(more…)WordPress Plugins and Themes. Where to promote your products
As part of my challenge to develop 12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months I came across the need to build up a central repository of websites where you can promote WordPress products.
That’s been my mini project for this week. Put together an online resource that I can add to. A resource that will become useful as the development project continues and starts to gather momentum.
(more…)12 WordPress Themes in 12 Months: Guidelines, Folder Structure and Stack
Twelve themes in twelve months. That’s a bold statement. Whether this is one theme a month or a few clusters here and there is up to me. What I will do is blog throughout the process so that if you’re looking to do something similar you can hopefully learn from me going through this process.